Thank you for considering our website as a platform to share your valuable medical insights with the world.

We understand the importance of providing accurate and engaging content to both the general public and health professionals.

Our editorial process is designed to ensure the highest quality of articles, fostering a collaborative environment that promotes knowledge exchange.

Kindly read about how we process blog article submissions below.

We look forward to receiving a submission from you.

Authors’ guide

Are you a health professional passionate about communicating healthcare and health technology in Nigeria?

We welcome diverse articles on topics like public health, medical conditions, health tech solutions, personal wellness, and healthcare policy.

Join our vibrant community of guest authors and have your written work published on our website.

We welcome articles from established medical experts and fresh voices alike.

You can start with the information on our authors’ guide page to put your article together for submission.

Article submission

Send your article to us using a Microsoft Word document format with “DOS BLOG ARTICLE SUBMISSION” as the subject, containing

  1. Author name (First name first)
  2. Short bio and headshot (not more than 50 words)
  3. Author links (links to a website and/or social profiles)
  4. Article text (title, introduction, categories, tags, content, and references)
  5. Article Images

Email your articles to us at

Article editing

We may edit your article or bounce it back to you for revision with instructions on how to improve it.

The edit could include the article title, images, links, etc. that we consider not relevant to the article.

We will update you with any changes we make to the article.

To prevent total rejection of a draft, we advise you to inform us of the title beforehand to assess its relevance to us before you commit time to come up with the article.

Approval and publication

Once received and edited, your article will be considered for approval.

Upon approval, it will be scheduled for publication.

We’ll notify you of the publication date and share the post across our social media platforms to maximize its reach.


Your article must not have been submitted on another platform, at least in the past month.

Submitting the same article on different platforms is bad for search engine optimization (SEO) and affects its ranking in search engines.

If you would like to republish your article submitted to us on another platform, please wait at least 2 weeks before doing so.

You could also update the article to link back to the original on this website.


Once your article is approved, we will create an author profile for you.

This will allow you to reply to comments and maybe update your article if needed.

You are required to be readily available to reply to comments on your article from the day of publishing to at least two weeks after.

Article promotion

We selectively promote articles on our social media platforms, but we advise you to do the same, and more, throughout your social networks.

We ask that you share it more than once on multiple networks over multiple days.

The time frame and schedule are up to you.

Connect with us

Feel free to reach out to our editorial team at if you have any questions or need further assistance throughout the submission process.

Thank you for contributing to the medical landscape in Nigeria.

Together, let’s empower and educate our readers for a healthier tomorrow!

For more information, please contact us.