The disease is a condition that affects the entire anatomy (structure) and physiology (functionality) of the human body.

Cancer is a disease that causes so much harm, and it is one of the leading causes of death in our world right now.

Over the years, the number of cases has risen drastically.

Cancer occurs when the normal cells in the body begin to grow uncontrollably, thereby becoming abnormal.

These abnormal cells utilize all the oxygen and nutrients supplied to that part of the body and they begin to deprive the normal cells of growing and functioning properly, thereby impairing the immune system.

Cancer cells are very dangerous, and oftentimes, they can either spread to neighboring organs, that is they metastasize or can remain localized.

Cancer sometimes appears in the body in the form of a tumor.

Certain factors predispose a person to get cancer.

One of them is lifestyle.

The food, drinks, and substances people consume can increase their chances of contracting the disease.

Another factor is genetics.

Having a family member who suffers from the disease automatically puts the rest of the family at risk of developing cancer in the future.

Physical inactivity and a lack of exercise are other factors that increase one’s chances of getting cancer.

World Cancer Day was consummated in 2000 during the First World Summit Against Cancer, which was held in Paris.

It is a day set aside to increase the public’s awareness of cancer and its debilitating effects on the human body.

The celebration aims to reduce the number of preventable deaths and push the government and those in positions of authority to begin taking action against the disease.

World Cancer Day is celebrated on February 4 of every year.

People all over the world rally around and try to enlighten people and those who care to listen that it is possible to prevent the occurrence of cancer.

This tells us that our actions matter both individually and collectively.

What steps are you, as an individual, taking to educate those around you about cancer?

Additionally, what actions are we taking collectively and in groups to make sure people do not fall victim to this deadly disease that is sucking life out of a lot of people?

There are so many types of cancer.

Breast cancer, cervical cancer, and ovarian cancer are peculiar to females, while prostate cancer and testicular cancer occur in men.

Surgery and chemotherapy are the major procedures done to control the spread of cancerous cells and treat them.

However, nothing can take the place of detecting the presence of cancer cells in the body early enough.

Early detection is key.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating lots of fruits and vegetables can help prevent the onset of cancer.

Due to the nature of cancer and how fast it tends to spread, we should go for routine checkups often.

Breast cancer is one of the major types of cancer women suffer from.

Women must examine their breasts for lumps and any other irregularities in their shape.

Our actions have an impact on everyone around us.

We all have a role to play in making sure that the number of cancer cases present in the world is reduced to a very large extent.

There’s a need for us to collaborate and think of ways to reach a larger audience by giving them thorough information about cancer.

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