Data analytics is evolving, starting with descriptive analytics that describes data and now predictive analysis that can predict future outcomes.

It is certain that data analytics will gain momentum and will be at the core of new technology solutions in the future.

Coupled with current technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), machine learning (ML), etc., data analytics is being widely adopted to complete complex operations.

The field would experience more usage as advancements in these other technologies increase.

There would be an increase in job opportunities in data analytics to level demand for analysis processes, and cloud technology would experience greater adoption as analytic teams became more reliant on the large data networks made available in cloud systems.

These data systems would be designed with a focus on interoperability, as working with data in silos would pose a challenge.

There would be large investments in training skilled data analysts.

Ultimately, a data-driven approach to healthcare would be the order of the day.

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